Healing Through It Webinar: Self-Intimacy and Dating (Even During COVID)
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Understand how Self-intimacy helps you find comfort in what you need to feel sexy and pleased. Then apply that knowledge to dating.
Cherlnell Lane LLC Presents: Self-Intimacy and Dating (Even During COVID), A Healing Through It Webinar
We are living in strange times as if finding a partner wasn’t hard enough now you have to worry about COVID. So you’re out here "Living that single, single, single life! Meeting, going out with, or preparing yourself for a special person in your life. Then, boom COVID-19 came like a wrecking ball and messed up your plans! You’ve been on shut down. Maybe you miss intimacy (both physical and emotional) or companionship. We're here to show you things you can do to fulfill this need for closeness and to go after what you need in relationships.
It's true, dating has changed, there is more use of online apps, telephone conversations, and Zoom dates to be had than ever before. but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Join Cherlnell Lane, author, poet, and creator of Writing Through It Workshops, www.cherlnell.com , and Candice the sexologist and intimacy coach of www.tantalizinglove.com as they share how to spend this time finding out what you really need/want out of a partner (temporary or permanent). Here’s a hint: The first step is finding out what we need from ourselves.
This webinar is for adult women. There will be some adult subject matter discussed.
Bring Journal and pens.
Any questions email: cherlnell@cherlnell.com
Understand how Self-intimacy helps you find comfort in what you need to feel sexy and pleased. Then apply that knowledge to dating.
Women and Femme- identifying only
21+ Event